


Please take note that KOJADI has never appointed and/or authorised any third parties or agents for its SME Loan Scheme and all of its other loan schemes. Kindly forward any enquiry and/or your loan application directly to KOJADI at 03-21616499.


Harap maklum bahawa KOJADI tidak pernah melantik dan / atau memberi kuasa kepada pihak ketiga atau ejen untuk Skim Pinjaman Perusahaan Kecil Dan Sederhana(PKS) dan semua skim pinjaman yang lain. Sebarang pertanyaan dan / atau permohonan pinjaman, hubungi KOJADI di talian 03-21616499.









To All KOJADI’s Education Loan Students NEW

KOJADI is offering Education Incentive Award Scheme for KOJADI’s education loan students with 1st Class Honours or equivalent for the Degree or Postgraduate courses.


Please click here to download the Rules & Application Form.


The application form together with all required documents are to be submitted to the following address:-


Credit Supervision Department

Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Berhad

11th Floor, Wisma MCA,

163 Jalan Ampang,

50450 Kuala Lumpur.

For more information or any inquiries, please contact us via email at repay-loan@kojadi.com.my or call 03-21616499 or 010-5161890 (Credit Supervision Department).


Kepada Semua Pelajar Peminjam di Bawah KOJADI Skim Pinjaman Pendidikan BARU

KOJADI menawarkan Skim Anugerah Insentif Pendidikan kepada pelajar pinjaman pendidikan KOJADI yang telah mencapai Kepujian Kelas Pertama atau setaraf dalam kursus Ijazah Sarjana Muda atau Pasca Siswazah.


Sila klik di sini untuk memuat turun Syarat & Borang Permohonan.


Untuk penyerahan borang permohonan berserta dengan semua dokumen yang diperlukan, sila hantar ke alamat berikut:-


Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Berhad

Tingkat 11, Wisma MCA,

163 Jalan Ampang,

50450 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel: 03-21616499 / 010-5161890

Untuk maklumat lanjut atau sebarang pertanyaan, sila e-mel kepada kami di repay-loan@kojadi.com.my atau hubungi kami di talian 03-21616499 atau 010-5161890 (Bahagian Pengawasan Kredit).








Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Berhad

Tingkat 11, Wisma MCA,

163 Jalan Ampang,

50450 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel: 03-21616499 / 010-5161890






Notis Pemberitahuan Untuk Anggota Pinjaman

Berkuatkuasa mulai 01 Mei 2022, Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Berhad (KOJADI) tidak lagi mengeluarkan resit pembayaran atas pembayaran pinjaman yang dilakukan oleh peminjam/ anggota kami secara Perbankan Atas Talian/ Mesin ATM/ Mesin Deposit Cek/ Cek/ Mesin Deposit Tunai selaras dengan pindaan terbaru Undang-undang Kecil KOJADI yang diluluskan pada 24 Februari 2022.

Sejajar di atas, anda disarankan untuk menyimpan pengakuan resit pembayaran/ rekod transaksi pembayaran setelah melakukan pembayaran tersebut pada atau selepas 01 Mei 2022. Namun demikian, KOJADI akan terus menghantar penyata pinjaman pertengahan tahun akaun anda secara elektronik melalui emel untuk rekod anda.

Sebarang pertanyaan berkaitan akaun pinjaman setelah pembayaran pinjaman dibuat, sila hubungi Bahagian Pengawalan Kredit KOJADI di Tel: 03-2161 6499/ 010-5161890/ 011-35387009 atau menghantar emel ke repay-loan@kojadi.com.my untuk pertanyaan lanjut.

Sekian,terima kasih.


Notice To Loan Members

With effect from 1st May 2022, Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Berhad (KOJADI) shall cease to issue payment receipts for loan repayments made by our loan borrowers/members via On-line banking/ATM Machine/Cheque Deposit Machine/Cheques/Cash Deposit Machine in conformity with its latest approved amendments dated 24th February 2022 made to KOJADI’s By-Laws.

In view of the above, you are advised to keep the acknowledgement receipts/record of payment transactions upon making such payments on or after 1st May 2022. Nevertheless, KOJADI will continue to send the half-yearly e-loan statement of your accounts via email for your record.

Should you have any query on issues related to your loan account(s) after making your loan repayment(s), you may forward your query to KOJADI Credit Supervision Department (CSD) at Tel : 03-2161 6499/010-5161890/011-35387009 or send your email to repay-loan@kojadi.com.my.

Thank you.


自立合作社停止 发送付款收据通

自立合作社新近提呈的章程修订已于2022224获得批准。为了符合新修订的章程条 规定,本社将从202251日开始停止发送付款收据予通过线上电子付款方式/动存 款机/支票付款机/支票/现金存款机偿还的合作社贷款

鉴于上述,促请您在2022 5 1 日及继后,偿还贷款后,保留付款单据/转账记录。虽然 如此,本社会继续通过电邮方式发送半年度电子贷款结单给您

如您在还贷后,有任何关于您的付款及贷款户口的疑问,可致电自立合作社信贷监管部 03- 2161 6499 / 010-5161890 /011-35387009 电邮至 repay-loan@kojadi.com.my 查询





Notis Pemberitahuan Untuk Pemohon Pinjaman dan Anggota KOJADI

Berkuatkuasa mulai 01 Mei 2022, Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Berhad (KOJADI) tidak lagi mengeluarkan resit pembayaran atas bayaran fi masuk keanggotaan fi langganan syer, fi pemprosesan pinjaman, fi pentadbiran, duti setem dan pembayaran lain yang berkaitan dengan keanggotaan dan permohonan pinjaman yang dilakukan secara Cek/ Perbankan Atas Talian/ Tunai dan kaedah pembayaran lain selaras dengan pindaan terbaru Undang-undang Kecil KOJADI yang diluluskan pada 24 Februari 2022.

Sejajar di atas, anda disarankan untuk menyimpan pengakuan resit pembayaran/ rekod transaksi pembayaran setelah melakukan pembayaran tersebut pada atau selepas 01 Mei 2022.  Namun demikian, KOJADI akan terus menghantar surat kelulusan keanggotaan dan Undang-undang Kecil secara elektronik melalui emel untuk rekod anda.

Sebarang pertanyaan berkaitan dengan keanggotaan, sila hubungi  Bahagian Keanggotaan KOJADI di Tel: 03-2161 6499/ 011-13121019 atau menghantar emel ke member@kojadi.com.my untuk pertanyaan lanjut. Manakala, bagi pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan pemohonan pinjaman, sila hubungi Bahagian Pinjaman di Tel:  03-21616499 / 010-7959330 atau menghantar emel ke:-

Pinjaman Pendidikan: loan@kojadi.com.my

Pinjaman SME: sme@kojadi.com.my

Pinjaman Mikro Kredit: microcredit@kojadi.com.my

Sekian, terima kasih. 




如对社员事宜有任何疑问,可致电自立合作社社员部 03-2161 6499 / 011-13121019 或电邮至 member@kojadi.com.my 查询。如欲了解贷款申请详情,请致电自立合作社贷款部03-21616499 / 010-7959330 或电邮至:-


中小型企业贷款: sme@kojadi.com.my

微型贷款: microcredit@kojadi.com.my



Notice To All Loan applicants/Members

With effect from 1st May 2022 , Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Berhad (KOJADI) shall cease to issue payment receipts for membership entrance fee, share subscription fee, loan processing fee, administration fee, stamp duty fee and other fees related to memberships and loan applications made via Cheque/On-line banking/Cash or any other payment methods in conformity with KOJADI’s By-Laws approved on 24th February 2022.

In view of the above, you are advised to keep and retain any acknowledgement receipts/record of payment transactions of such payments made on or after 1st May 2022. KOJADI will however continue to send the membership approval letter, By-laws via e-mail for your record.  

Should you have any query on issues related to membership, you may forward it to KOJADI Membership Department at Tel : 03-2161 6499 / 011-13121019 or e-mail us at member@kojadi.com.my . Any query regarding loan issues, you may contact us at 03-21616499 / 010-7959330 or e-mail us at:-

Education Loan: loan@kojadi.com.my

SME Loan: sme@kojadi.com.my

Micro Credit Loan: microcredit@kojadi.com.my

Thank you




- 暂缓偿还贷款达 6个月 (Moratorium)

- 重新安排还款期(Rescheduling)

- 临时付款安排(TPA)

请按此处以下载常见问题解答(FAQ)和暂缓偿还贷款(Moratorium), 重新安排还款期(Rescheduling)或临时付款安排(TPA)计划的申请表格。

欲知更多详情, 请电邮repay-loan@kojadi.com.my 或致电011-35387009 (中小型企业贷款)或010-5161890(其他非中小企业型贷款)询问。



KOJADI truly sympathises with the hardship and difficulties faced by its members who are being affected by the recent flood disaster. In response to this challenging situation which is affecting our loan members, KOJADI is offering the following financial relief assistance to alleviate your financial commitments:

-     Moratorium (deferment of loan repayments) of up to six (6) months.

-     Rescheduling of loan repayments

-     Temporary Payment Arrangement

Please click here to download the FAQ & Moratorium/Rescheduling or Temporary Payment Arrangement Form.

For more information, you may email us at repay-loan@kojadi.com.my or call us at 011-35387009 (For SME) and 010-5161890 (For non-SME).  




新型冠状病毒(Covid-19) /国家复苏计划及财务纾缓措施讯息


为了协助目前尤其正面对处于国家复苏计划 影响的本社贷款者,自立合作社继续提供下列针对性的财务纾缓措施,以减轻贷款者的财务负担:

- 暂缓偿还贷款(即,暂停分期付款)达 6个月(Moratorium)

- 重新安排还款期(Rescheduling)

- 临时付款安排(TPA)

请按此处以下载常见问题解答(FAQ)和暂缓偿还贷款(Moratorium), 重新安排还款期(Rescheduling)或临时付款安排(TPA)计划的申请表格。

欲知更多详情, 请电邮repay-loan@kojadi.com.my 或致电011-35387009 (中小型企业贷款)或010-5161890(其他非中小企业型贷款)询问。



(National Recovery Plan [NRP] )


KOJADI continues with its targeted initiatives and repayment assistance for the affected borrowers especially under the NRP . In response to this challenging situation which is affecting our loan members, KOJADI is offering the following financial relief assistance to alleviate your financial commitments:

-         Moratorium (deferment of loan repayments) of up to  six (6) months.

-         Rescheduling of loan repayments

-         Temporary Payment Arrangement

Please click here to download the FAQ & Moratorium/Rescheduling or Temporary Payment Arrangement Form.

For more information, you may email us at repay-loan@kojadi.com.my or call us at 011-35387009 (For SME) and 010-5161890 (For non-SME).  




Winner 2021-1

Caption (From Left To Right) 

Ms Chiam Shu Hui (Consolation Prize Winner),  Ms Goh Poh Guat (Consolation Prize Winner), Mr Dennis Lai (Deputy Director of Public Bank – Enterprise Banking), KOJADI Chairman Senator Datuk Wira Koh Nai Kwong , En. Luqman Mohd. Hata (Assistant Manager of Paynet), KOJADI General Manager Madam Tan Bean, Madam Kew Choy Yen-representative of Ang Kheng Pei (Grand Prize winner), Mr Lim Ming Kow-representative of Ng Yoke Khoon (Consolation Prize Winner)


 图片说明 (由左至右)

詹舒潓(安慰奖优胜者), 吴宝悦(安慰奖优胜者), 大众银行-交易银行副董事赖可伟先生, 自立合作社董事主席拿督威拉古乃光, JomPAY 服务供应商Paynet 副经理En.Luqman Mohd. Hata,自立合作社总经理陈敏,洪庆霈代表丘彩燕女士(大奖优胜者),黄玉君代表林明高 (安慰奖优胜者)。

JomPAY Winner 2021-1    


KOJADI is one of the Top 100 Co-operative Societies for 10 years in a row*

We provide the following loan products:

          1. Education loan ( for local and overseas study)
          2. SME Loan
          3. Micro Credit
          4. TUKAR/ATOM Programme
          5. Property Loan

No Agents or Middlemen. Apply or contact directly with us

*Ranked by Malaysian Co-operative Societies Commission

Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Berhad
(Koop, Negara No. 49)
Address: 11th Floor, Wisma MCA, 163 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-21616499 / 010-7959330
Email: sme@kojadi.com.my or loan@kojadi.com.my
Website: kojadi.my
Business Hours: Monday-Friday,8.30am -5.30pm

kojadi Advertising1






下月召开年度大会 、拟派息 4.5%




  本社已订于下个月24 日召开第36 届年度代表。大会议程包括通过董事部建议的2017财务年股息 4.5% 给合格社员。

  成立于1981年的自立合作社目前为社员提供的服务和贷款产品包括各类教育贷款及商业贷款计划华裔中小企业贷款计划、国内外教育贷款计划、杂货店转型贷款计划、修车厂现代化贷款计划、房产贷款计划、及微型贷款计划等,欢迎社员询问、申请 更多详情请联络电话:03-21616499 




KOJADI committed to serve its communities


AGM in June to approve 4.5% dividend

Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Berhad (KOJADI) one of the leading co-operative societies in the country continues to operate and serves its members and the public as usual.

KOJADI’s operations are not affected by the results of the recent general election as it is an autonomous entity owned by over 60,000 members of all races and operates in accordance with the Co-operative Societies Act, 1993 and under the supervision and regulation by the Malaysia Co-operative Societies Commission. The cooperative ‘s activities, including education loan, Small and Medium Enterprise Loan, and members services are functioning as usual, the statement added.

KOJADI has scheduled to hold its 36th Annual General Meeting of Delegates on 24 June 2018. The meeting, among other things, will approve a 4.5% final tax exempt dividend for financial year ended 31st December 2017 to eligible members.

KOJADI, founded in 1981, offers a variety of education and business loans to its members. The loan products include SME Loan, education loans for local and overseas higher education, loans for Retailers Transformation Programme (TUKAR) and Automotive Workshop Modernisation Programme (ATOM), Property loan, and Microcredit. For application and further details on KOJADI’s loan products, contact03-2161 6499 .


 Highlights 焦点